Aric's Garage Sale 2025

For sale are a number of firearms parts/accessories/outdoor gear/ edged tools and some historical combat training materials. All are used but in great working order, unless noted as new. All of my items that are not firearms are priced at half or less than half of what they go for new, with most or many being like new, so my prices are firm and fair.
We will meet at MY local QT to do business in Independence,MO. If you no-call/no-show, I wont deal with you again, so please be serious before inquiring. If you need a picture or have a question email me or text me and please let me know what specifically you are interested in. I will simply ignore lowball offers or unwanted trades, so save us both the time on those. Please be patient otherwise for a response as I travel a lot for work. aricashgrove at hotmail dot com.
Thanks for looking and happy trading, buying and selling!
Firearms Parts & Edged Tools:
Shield Arms Steel magazine catch in grey for Glock 43x/48 $15
Blackhawk! Storm claw style single point sling in FDE $20
1″ Weaver Scope Ring set $5
Three heights 1/2 & 1″ Picatinny Riser set $10
Three Picatinny Offset MLOK Rails $10
Barrel Mounted Picatinny Rail Section $5
Tuff two strip speedloaders for 9mm or .32 or .223 $5
Crossbreed Holsters Appendix Carry Hybrid IWB holster for G43/43x/48 $40
Mounts Plus short Top Rail for Ruger Mark IV Pistol $20
Tops Micro Hawk tomahawk in black (like new) $60
Condor Primitive Sequoia knife (small machete), good condition $30
Cold Steel Broken Skull 4″ Clip Point folder w/ Coyote scales $40
Cold Steel Bowie Machete 12″ blade $15
RGS Custom made 22″ swedged bowie with devil’s horns guard $140
Historical Combat & Fillipino Martial Arts Training Packages:
Spadroon Training Package . Two Purpleheart Armory Polymer Training Spadroons(like new), 1804 Art of Defense on Foot reprint book by Thomas Roworth. $50
Bartitsu Training Package. 2005 Bartitsu Compendium(s) Volume 1 and 2 books by Tony Wolf. Agilitas TV Bartitsu DVD. Rattan Hooked Cane Walking Stick. $60
Giron Arnis Eskrima Training Package. All of the twelve volumes, and history DVD series and both books on BahalaNa style escrima and an unused 28″ rattan stick and polymer training knife $80
Tomahawk Training Package. Paladin Press The Fighting Tomahawk DVD set (3 discs). Comtech The Fighting Tomahawk DVD set (2 discs). Both of Dwight Mclemore’s books on The Fighting Tomhawk, a Cold Steel Trench Hawk polymer trainer, and an Ontario Tool and Knife polymer trainer. $100
Smallsword Training Package. Two HF Armory Metal Hilted training Smallswords with Epee Blades, L’ Ecole Francaise (Martinez Academy) 3 DVD Set, The School of Fencing reprint HC book by Angelo and Kirby, Gentleman’s Navy and Army Companion reprint book by McArthur. $150
Highland Broadsword Training Package. One Knightshot Polymer Training Baskethilted Sword, One handle modified Cold Steel Soldier’s Targe, Lessons of the Broadsword Masters Textbook by Christopher Thompson, The Use of the Broadsword reprint book by Thomas Page,Hungarian Highland Broadsword reprint book by Henry Angelo. $150
Bowie Knife Training Package. Two Keen Edge Aluminum Training Bowie Knives, Bowie Knife Combatives 5 Disc DVD Set by Pete Kautz, ISMAC w/ James Loriega and Dwight Mclemore DVD, Modern Knives Video Magazine Bowie Knife Special DVD, WWII Historical Combatives Training DVD, Bowie Knife book by Raymond Thorp, Bowie Knife Fighting Techniques from the 1880’s book by Marc Lawrence, Do or Die reprint book by Biddle, Bowie and Big Knife Fighting Manuals Vol 1-2 by Dwight Mclemore, Bowie Knife Fighting, Duels, & Fighting Techniques book by Paul Kirchner. $160
US Military Saber Training Package. Two VB Armory Steel MilitaryTraining Saber 39″(like new), 1869 Principles of Squad Instruction for the Broadsword by Corbessier reprint book, 1872 New System of Sword Exercise by O Rourke reprint book, THe Sword Exercise reprint book by HC Wayne. $280
Lameco Eskrima Espada Y Daga DVD $5
Lameco Eskrima Laban Laro Vol 1-2 DVDs $10
Lameco Eskrima Practical Self Defense DVD $5
Lameco Eskrima Secrets of Double Stick Fighting DVD $5
Lameco OSOG Long Range Stick Drills DVD $5
Lameco Eskrima Double Baston DVD $5
Drawpoint Volume Two James Keating Reverse Grip Knife DVD $5
Kelly McCann Tactical Carbine DVD $5
Comtech Low Line Traps Silat and FMA w/ James Keating DVD $5
Intro in Ameurasian Fencing Central American Machete Combat w/Pete Kautz and James Keating DVD $5
O Jogo Do Pau Portuguese Staff Fighting Nino Curvello DVD $10
L Ecole Francaise 3 DVD Set by Martinez Academy $20
2005 Jogo Do Pau book by Luis Preto OOP (Portugeuse staff fighting) $10
1993 Knife Fighting A Practical Course book by Michael Janich $20
1850 The Sword Exercise by HC Wayne reprint book $10
1861 Swordplay without a Master by W. Berriman reprint book $15
1849 Manuel Del Baratero reprint book translated by James Wran $10
Musical Instruments:
Two Overtone Nordic Flutes, one is wooden one is polymer, both are handmade in Europe. Thoroughly santized and stored since last use. $40 for both
Mountain Made Polymer Low Whistle in the Key of F. Key is great for accompanying vocals. Thoroughly santized and stored since last use. $20
Wood Ocarina in the Key of Middle A, Pentatonic Scale. Box style ocarina that sounds VERY much like a Native American Flute. Thoroughly sanitized and stored since last use. $50
High Spirits Eagle Bone (Ceramic) Whistle/Flute. Around the key of a high A, but played in its own key, three playing holes. Thoroughly sanitized
and stored since last use. $20
Meinl Darbuka 10 inch synthetic head, aluminum body and gigbag. Great sounding starter doumbek or darbuka. crisp attack and plays well. $60
Kandu KTAK travel Cajon about 12″ in diameter and about 3 inches deep, can be played with snare or without, has a strap for your body. $100
There are NO other items I am looking for in trade right now except on this list below. Extras and or cash can be added to even up the values and make it fair, or in MY favor.
Items looking for for potential trade:
Primary Arms SLx 3x Micro Prism Sight Green Reticle
Ruger LCP factory .22lr magazines
XS Big Dot Sight Yellow Tritium Glock 42/43 sights
Glock 43 aftermarket magazines
Ruger LCP 2 Viridian laser sight
Copper washed/plated target .22lr ammo
Brass case range 9mm & .380acp ammo
Factory Ruger 10/22 Magazines Bx-15 and Bx-1
Cold Steel Heavy Duty Sword Canes
Apoc Atrim Tactical Jian Sword
Sea to Summit Ultralight Poncho Tarp
1oz Silver Coins & Bars & Goldbacks in low denominations
Organic or Non-GMO Dehydrated Meals w/ at least 5 years left
Martin DJR-10E Acoustic Bass Guitar
Pearl or Meinl Full Size Cajon’s & Accessories